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Discover the secret of my figure - 30 Original recipes - ebook

39,00 35,10 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)

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Ilona Ciciała 





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My diet contains 30 recipes with dietary recipes with a calculated calorie value. These are extremely delicious meals that are filling for a long time and make dieting easy and enjoyable. There are recipes for both savoury and sweet dishes. It is by eating these meals that I have been able to return to a slim figure with ease and pleasure. Eating these meals, I don't feel like I'm on a diet. They are delicious, varied and I wouldn't swap them for anything else.
About me
I have been athletic since childhood and taking care of a slim figure is extremely important for me to feel good in my own body. I spent my entire childhood among horses, training in acrobatic gymnastics on horses, the so-called " vaulting".
However, my life paths were diverted and I became fascinated with food. In particular, I fell in love with creating desserts and decorating dishes on the plate. In order to combine looking after a slim figure with my passion for creating dishes and desserts, I started creating dietary dishes and sweets.

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  100% gwarancji satysfakcji Możesz absolutnie bez żadnego ryzyka kupić wybrany produkt z naszej oferty. Chcemy przekonać Cię, że cyfrowe publikacje to przyszłość. Jesteśmy pewni, że ta forma publikacji przypadnie Ci do gustu, dlatego też dajemy 100% gwarancję. Dzięki temu możesz mieć pewność, że albo będziesz zadowolony z naszych produktów... albo zwrócimy Ci pieniądze.
Kup Discover the secret of my figure - 30 Original recipes - ebook
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Discover the secret of my figure - 30 Original recipes - ebook

39,00 35,10 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)
    • EPUB (znak wodny)
    • PDF (znak wodny)
    • MOBI (znak wodny)

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